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If you’re familiar with breakout rooms, you’ll appreciate this one. If you and your team meet regularly, you can turn this into a tradition and run one quiz question at the start of every one of your meetings. Allow time for each group of remote workers to share their list with the larger team in the visual workspace. This will create an electric, dynamic atmosphere, well suited to brainstorming.

Our People team has recently done a wine-tasting call and it was a great team bonding experience. Tell your colleagues to bring an object that has special meaning to them or that is tied to an exciting story. Give each group member 3-5 minutes to tell the rest of the group about it.

Ways Hubspot Encourages Active Participation in Meetings

Give them flexibility and stay in control of workspace usage, budget spending, and workplace data. Telephone is a childhood classic, and now, you can play it digitally! Then, the host will send a code to the team so they can join in.

icebreakers for remote meetings

Introducing a fun icebreaker at the beginning of a meeting can help break the ice and create a positive and engaging environment. Implementing icebreakers in a virtual setting can be challenging due to technical issues, lack of physical presence, and other factors. With the ice melted, team members may feel more comfortable with icebreakers for virtual meetings sharing their thoughts while working together. Ice breakers can enhance meetings by making them enjoyable and productive. This social icebreaker game bypasses small talk and helps your employees get to know each other on a deeper level. Want to check in with your group but don’t want to get caught up in a time-consuming game?

The View from My Office

A virtual coffee break is an informal gathering that occurs online at the beginning or end of a meeting. It’s a dedicated time for team members to chat about non-work-related topics, similar to how they would during a coffee break in an office setting. A virtual scavenger hunt can add a bit of excitement and fun to your virtual meeting. Create a list of items participants must find in their home or workspace.

icebreakers for remote meetings

They provide a platform for experimentation and adaptation to various meeting objectives, ensuring each gathering is tailored to its unique goals. In this fun icebreaker game, your team will need to read the lips of their teammates and guess the phrase. https://remotemode.net/ Have each team member pick the three movies or books that they would bring to a desert island for this fun, classic icebreaker. Divide all the participants into small teams (three or four works well) and have them write down the questions you supply.

Icebreaker: If You Could Choose Just One, Which One Would You Choose?

Others may have outgoing personalities, but feel reluctant to participate in ‘planned fun’ as they would prefer the meeting to end quicker to get time back or other important tasks. With team members scattered across different locations and time zones, creating a sense of camaraderie and collaboration can be a real challenge. Done right, a virtual icebreaker can get everyone off on the right foot. Name That Emoji Tune is one of our favorite virtual icebreakers of all time. As with the other virtual icebreakers, be sure to schedule in some time to allow each person to explain why they made the choice.

You can call it whatever you like – virtual watercooler talks, virtual happy hour – it’s your choice. Using an open text poll, encourage your team to share their failure or struggle in Slido as well so that people can see that they’re not alone in being imperfect. You can then regroup and open a discussion about lessons that people learned from their failures.

Answers to this question can reveal much about people’s values. It also can show how comfortable they are sharing their weaknesses. Learn how to transform your difficult relationship.I’ll show you my science-based approach to building a strong, productive relationship with even the most difficult people. Using a personality quiz based on the five big characteristic traits will help everyone get to know each other. You can discuss their answers to find out who’s most similar and inspire new friendships based on the entertaining results. Remote rounds of Pictionary on sites like skribbl are extra challenging and hilarious.

They can also lead to stronger connections between team members, better group outcomes, and increased psychological safety. Creating a psychologically safe environment boosts team members’ confidence to express their thoughts and feedback without fearing any backlash. When it comes to connecting and playing games with your team, any game can be great. Just like icebreaker questions, choosing the right one can be challenging, but don’t overthink it. Anything that lets people share about themselves during video conferencing is a win for both you and your team. With these virtual icebreaker ideas, you’ll be on your way to improving team communication and building trust.

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